Currently reading : unintended themes

Do you ever read more than one book at a time? I’m no stranger to it, but I generally stick to one and done. On the off-chance I read more than one, they’re generally very different. A mystery and a non-fiction. A thriller and a light-hearted. Etc.

So, imagine my surprise when I realized I’m currently reading three non-fiction books.

Gutenberg’s finger print by Merilyn Simonds

Tenements, towers and trash by Julia Wertz

On the farm by Stevie Cameron.

“That’s ok,” I told myself. “They’re all different.”

Print vs digital. NYC history. Notorious serial killer.

But wait.

A love for the written word. Untold, half-told or mostly forgotten stories. A voice for the voiceless.

Looks like these books have more in common than I thought.

Two of the three books are by Canadian authors. And 3/3 are written by women.

Good job, subconscious brain!


Not naming names, but 2/3 are also beautiful

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